29 Feb, 2024

February 29, 2024 Google Adsense Integrations + Embed HTML Code

New Features

HTML Code Block

With our new embed HTML Code Block, you can now achieve some advanced customization capabilities by writing HTML code. You can find it via:

After entering the code, click Save:

Google Adsense

Set up Auto ads on your site

Reference document:

You can paste the Google Adsense code in Site Settings > Code Injection and save it:

Create an In-article ad

Reference document:

Similar to how you embed HTML Code, you can also embed Google Adsense ad units into your post:

First insert an AdSense Block into your post:

Get the ad unit's code from Google Adsense:

Paste the code into the article and click Save:

Upload Ads.txt file

In some scenarios, you may need to upload your Ads.txt file to Quick Creator. You can find it in Site Settings > Marketing Integrations:


In order to display the content more clearly, we have redesigned the post list:

You can open the post-published by clicking this:

You can copy the published article URL here: