08 Aug, 2023

August 8, 2023 ✨ Landing & Blog Page Separation, UI Enhancements, and More

-Product Segregation

The Landing Page and Blog Page have now been divided into two separate categories, each having its own independent areas and points. This is done with a focus on enhancing the specific functionalities of each product and providing a more personalized experience to our users.

- Data Migration for Existing Users

To ensure a seamless transition, we've classified all the sites created by our existing users into the new Landing Page application. Additionally, to prevent any disruption to user experience, all the previously published blog posts will still continue to be accessible under the Landing Page.

- New Blog Creation Process

The process for creating a new blog has now moved to the Blog Page application. Users must create a new site and bind it to a new domain name as part of this process. Though this requires additional steps, it's aimed at providing concise, well-generated content that adds to the reading experience through a separate, focused blog environment.

- User Interface (UI) Optimization

We've overhauled our UI, intending to streamline user experience and interaction. The new design includes shortcuts for quick creation, ease of use, and improved user interaction.

We hope that these updates enhance your experience. Your feedback is always welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy the new features!